Wednesday, February 11, 2015

[February TBR]

    Oops. This is a little late. :P But at least I'm posting it, right?

February 2015

*I've actually been reading this since September of last year, but I'm hoping to finish it this month. :D

     I have a few less books than last month, so hopefully I'll do better! I've got two road trips coming up this month, also, so hey. Lots of reading time. :P

    Till next book!


  1. Les Miserables and Steelheart are both on my to-read list for this year. Well, not Steelheart specifically, but some type of Brandon Sanderson book. I don't really care which one, as long as I get to read his writing.

  2. Les Mis. <3 I'm nearly done with it now! :D I'm trying to read more of Brandon Sanderson this year as well, and Steelheart is what I found at the library. Have you read The Rhythmatist? I love that one.

    1. No, I haven't read The Rithmatist, but it's at my school library, and I've been eyeing it. I might start with either that one or The Way of Kings.
